2nd National Doberman and Pinchers Club Show in Poland
14.05. 2016 Lodz (Poland)
![]() The two main winners of the exhibition are Sebastian iz Zoosfery and Michel Mercier iz Zoosfery |
It rained all day on the Polish mono-breed. Some of our dogs (as, of course, and the rest) did not want to go out and into the ring, kukozhilis and resisted the show. This did not prevent an experienced German expert from separating the flies from the cutlets. Ms. Assenmacher, soaked to the bone, did not notice the rain until the end of the examination, smiled in the ring, willingly congratulated the handlers on their luck, and did not refuse to be photographed near all the winners.
A total of 46 Dobermans (12 brown and 34 black) were registered for the exhibition, but in reality there were slightly fewer. This is not a record for this traditional exhibition. Perhaps some regulars rushed to the same exhibition in Hungary, which was held on the same day, and the well-conducted championship in Romania. I think that a certain role was played by a factor that is clear to many fans of the breed: Assenmacher did not join the game that exists in Russian practice today and for a long time: the situation and flirting with kennels, in which the canine authorities that invite them in Russia are interested. However, it should be noted that the MAJORITY of participants in this Polish exhibition were Russian dogs (22), 13 were from Poland, 5 from Germany, 4 from France…
![]() ![]() Santiago iz Zoosfery (Maximus di Altobello x Tais Afinskaya iz Zoosfery) |
Going to this exhibition, we knew that the judge has a very clear idea of what a Doberman should be. Judging from her practice, it is easy to assume that she prefers a noble moderation, without overkill: not too large, correctly and accurately folded, not heavy or light, in any case, not raw, but not over-dried. However, we took a bit of a risk, exposing a large and powerful SANTIAGO iz Zoosfery (Maxime di Altobello x Thais Athenian iz Zoosfery). They relied on his style and perfect physical shape. In his class of black Champions, he easily won, beating very worthy rivals-FILIMAMONT dragon BYTE (teralain Hartland x may-B) – 2nd place, stylish and correctly folded, and a Muscovite of German origin BARBADOS FOM WESTWALL (Al’alamos del Citone x Stella V. Klingbach). Congratulating us on the podium, the judge still remarked, touching the withers of the Winner: “good, but not my type.” The best adult male expert chose the winner of the working class German champion HARLEY VOM ELBAUETAL (Vizard de Grande Vinko x Quirina de Grande Vinko) with a perfect body, excellent movements, high-pitched, but with a rustic head. At first, when the males of this class entered the ring, especially striking was the handsome, living in Germany POR TRUVOR (Por Sidor x teralain Impresa) – with a beautiful manly head, long and dry neck, well-developed physically, with a decent silhouette. As soon as he ran, it became clear that the judge will not ignore his significantly constrained movements – 4th place. Among adult brown males, I really liked the large, powerful, with an excellent head, slightly damp neck, well-colored Belarusian male in the intermediate class ZLATOZAR FROM the PRINCIPALITY of POLOTSK (Oscar with Padoku x Yermila from the Principality of Polotsk). His movements were quite broad and elastic-the Winner of the class.
![]() ![]() ![]() Kotovsk from Zoosfery (Santiago from Zoophera x Shtuchka Eshio Ta iz Zoosfery) |
Comparing the brown winners, the judge gave preference to the winner of the open class KOTOVSKY iz Zoosfery (one of the Zoopheres is a thing iz Zoosfery), a tall, high-pitched man with a beautiful head, a powerful chest, a free step, and a noble posture. Until the final comparison, at all stages I was sure of his victory not only among brown Dobermans, but also among all males. But he let us down in the final. I entered the ring reluctantly because of the rain that was pouring down, cowered, and did not pay any attention to the food and toys offered from behind the ring. As a result, out of all the male winners of both colors standing in the ring, he was the second, standing behind the German opponent.
However, it is absolutely the Best dog and then Best of breed was the winner of the Junior class nearly 11-month-old SEBASTIAN iz ZOOSFERY (Gangster Dandias x Hollywood story iz Zoosfery). Later, he participated in the best-in-Show of the Doberman and Schnauzer Club, where he was first recognized As the best Junior, and then became the Winner in the main best. Of course, I was very pleased with these decisions, but not surprised. Sebastian, in my opinion, fits perfectly into the type of Doberman preferred by the judge (and me too), everything in it is balanced and integral, all without deviations from full harmony and high style.
![]() ![]() ![]() Sebastian iz Zoosfery (Gangster Dandias de La Villa Valiano x Hollywood story iz Zoosfery) |
the strongest of the brown bitches was the champion class. Here for victory fought in fact two has presented to from four: German Barbara von Westfall, native sister and full contrast to its odnopometniku-moskvichu barbadosu (Ale Alamos x Stella F. Klingbach) – shirokotelaya, a squat, well represented, and Moskvichka Por KALINA (Punch from Homes Domenii x Por van Mo) – small, graceful, with unexpected for such a adding very convex forbrustom. It was a great show. But it significantly lacks capital. It seems to me that the expert was in the position of a difficult choice between overkill and underkill. I chose the more powerful Barbara. Among the black bitches there were many bright and correctly folded ones. Three females participated in the Junior class. The first was a well-shown thorough (slightly overfed) Belarusian YANGA VITAL SCREEN (Oscar with Padoku x absolute Wiener Oregon Rivals) – large, strong-boned, with a strong correct head, great temperament and correct movements.
the Second place was taken by OUR saltiga iz Zoosfery, the sister of the best Doberman in the exhibition, Sebastian. It is small, flawlessly built, has a very beautiful head, long, elegant neck, perfect top and corners of the limbs, flying strong movements. But it was a little thin – 2nd place. In third place NINEL NERO IZUMI (ERP Sidor x Ekskalibur Noemi background Ninel Nero). I didn’t have time to look at it.
![]() ![]() ![]() Saltiga iz Zoosfery (Gangster Dandias de La Villa Valiano x Hollywood story iz Zoosfery) |
MICHELLE MERCIER of the ZOOSPHERE (Blackjack Bluffer x Seville of the Zoosphere) reigned Supreme in the open class-highly advanced, well-developed physically, with a beautifully defined forebrust, a long, proudly set muscular neck and rounded nape, a powerful withers, a beautifully flowing top line, excellent angles of the limbs, especially the hind ones, and free broad movements. She won not only in her ring, but was also recognized As the best bitch of the show. The actual inspiration for this trip was its owner Irina, and I am glad that I succumbed to her persuasions to go to Poland.
![]() ![]() ![]() Michel Mercier iz Zoosfery (Blackjack of Bluffer background Arestal x Sevilla iz Zoosfery) |
HOLLYWOOD STORY iz ZOOSFERY (Oksamit x Eva Lotta iz Zoosfery) exhibited in the class of black Champions one. In this, she was lucky, because she endures a state of false pregnancy with all the attendant circumstances. We were not too sure of her great victory this time as we set out. But, of course, in her class, she got SAS.
![]() ![]() ![]() Hollywood story iz Zoosfery (Oksamit de Grande Vinko x Eva Lotta iz Zoosfery) |
Eugene Rosenberg